Mission Statement

Great Education Design

Poorly designed schools prevent students achieving in education with inadequate teaching facilities being detrimental to the planning and delivery of a curriculum. This shared experience from the partnership members unites us in our ambition to deliver better school spaces.

We believe every secondary and primary school should be able to provide safe, efficient, inclusive, and welcoming learning and working environments which respond well to the specific needs of their location.

A “one size fits all approach” is not taken to delivering content to learners, and we believe it should not be taken to learning environments.

Short term cheap building solutions, such as CLASP built infrastructure which had a designed lifespan of 60 years, has now ended creating unsafe, poorly insulted, and inadequately sized rooms. News headlines of schools closing at short notice due to unsafe buildings only further highlight this.

We believe tried, tested, and standardised design tailored to specific rooms, buildings, and sites is the best solution to tackling poor existing learning conditions. Traditional forms of contract that keep the school in the driving seat on design, allowing you to have confidence in delivering building projects.

Safe, Efficient, Inclusive, and Welcoming.

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